In this paper, we present PARTIME, a software library written in Python and based on PyTorch, designed specifically to speed up neural networks whenever data is continuously streamed over time, for both learning and inference. Existing libraries are designed to exploit data-level parallelism, assuming that samples are batched, a condition that is not naturally met in applications that are based on streamed data. Differently, PARTIME starts processing each data sample at the time in which it becomes available from the stream. PARTIME wraps the code that implements a feed-forward multi-layer network and it distributes the layer-wise processing among multiple devices, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Thanks to its pipeline-based computational scheme, PARTIME allows the devices to perform computations in parallel. At inference time this results in scaling capabilities that are theoretically linear with respect to the number of devices. During the learning stage, PARTIME can leverage the non-i.i.d. nature of the streamed data with samples that are smoothly evolving over time for efficient gradient computations. Experiments are performed in order to empirically compare PARTIME with classic non-parallel neural computations in online learning, distributing operations on up to 8 NVIDIA GPUs, showing significant speedups that are almost linear in the number of devices, mitigating the impact of the data transfer overhead.
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部署AI驱动的系统需要支持有效人类互动的值得信赖的模型,超出了原始预测准确性。概念瓶颈模型通过在类似人类的概念的中间级别调节分类任务来促进可信度。这使得人类干预措施可以纠正错误预测的概念以改善模型的性能。但是,现有的概念瓶颈模型无法在高任务准确性,基于概念的强大解释和对概念的有效干预措施之间找到最佳的妥协,尤其是在稀缺完整和准确的概念主管的现实情况下。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了概念嵌入模型,这是一种新型的概念瓶颈模型,它通过学习可解释的高维概念表示形式而超出了当前的准确性-VS解关性权衡。我们的实验表明,嵌入模型(1)达到更好或竞争性的任务准确性W.R.T. W.R.T.没有概念的标准神经模型,(2)提供概念表示,以捕获有意义的语义,包括其地面真相标签,(3)支持测试时间概念干预措施,其在测试准确性中的影响超过了标准概念瓶颈模型,以及(4)规模对于稀缺的完整概念监督的现实条件。
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非破坏性测试(NDT)被广泛应用于制造和操作过程中涡轮组件的缺陷鉴定。操作效率是燃气轮机OEM(原始设备制造商)的关键。因此,在最小化所涉及的不确定性的同时,尽可能多地自动化检查过程至关重要。我们提出了一个基于视网膜的模型,以识别涡轮叶片X射线图像中的钻孔缺陷。该应用程序是由于大图分辨率而具有挑战性的,在这种分辨率上,缺陷非常小,几乎没有被常用的锚尺寸捕获,并且由于可用数据集的尺寸很小。实际上,所有这些问题在将基于深度学习的对象检测模型应用于工业缺陷数据中非常普遍。我们使用开源模型克服了此类问题,将输入图像分成图块并将其扩展,应用重型数据增强,并使用差分进化器求解器优化锚固尺寸和宽高比。我们用$ 3 $倍的交叉验证验证该模型,显示出非常高的精度,可以识别缺陷的图像。我们还定义了一组最佳实践,可以帮助其他从业者克服类似的挑战。
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深度学习技术的普及更新了能够处理可以使用图形的复杂结构的神经结构的兴趣,由图形神经网络(GNN)的启发。我们将注意力集中在最初提出的Scarselli等人的GNN模型上。 2009,通过迭代扩散过程编码图表的节点的状态,即在学习阶段,必须在每个时期计算,直到达到学习状态转换功能的固定点,传播信息邻近节点。基于拉格朗日框架的约束优化,我们提出了一种在GNNS中学习的新方法。学习转换功能和节点状态是联合过程的结果,其中通过约束满足机制隐含地表达了状态会聚过程,避免了迭代巨头程序和网络展开。我们的计算结构在由权重组成的伴随空间中搜索拉格朗日的马鞍点,节点状态变量和拉格朗日乘法器。通过加速扩散过程的多个约束层进一步增强了该过程。实验分析表明,该方法在几个基准上的流行模型有利地比较。
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It is well known that conservative mechanical systems exhibit local oscillatory behaviours due to their elastic and gravitational potentials, which completely characterise these periodic motions together with the inertial properties of the system. The classification of these periodic behaviours and their geometric characterisation are in an on-going secular debate, which recently led to the so-called eigenmanifold theory. The eigenmanifold characterises nonlinear oscillations as a generalisation of linear eigenspaces. With the motivation of performing periodic tasks efficiently, we use tools coming from this theory to construct an optimization problem aimed at inducing desired closed-loop oscillations through a state feedback law. We solve the constructed optimization problem via gradient-descent methods involving neural networks. Extensive simulations show the validity of the approach.
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Detecting anomalous data within time series is a very relevant task in pattern recognition and machine learning, with many possible applications that range from disease prevention in medicine, e.g., detecting early alterations of the health status before it can clearly be defined as "illness" up to monitoring industrial plants. Regarding this latter application, detecting anomalies in an industrial plant's status firstly prevents serious damages that would require a long interruption of the production process. Secondly, it permits optimal scheduling of maintenance interventions by limiting them to urgent situations. At the same time, they typically follow a fixed prudential schedule according to which components are substituted well before the end of their expected lifetime. This paper describes a case study regarding the monitoring of the status of Laser-guided Vehicles (LGVs) batteries, on which we worked as our contribution to project SUPER (Supercomputing Unified Platform, Emilia Romagna) aimed at establishing and demonstrating a regional High-Performance Computing platform that is going to represent the main Italian supercomputing environment for both computing power and data volume.
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